We Want Gossip

We Want Gossip Ep. 81 Always Tip Your Waitress

Stephanie & Meredith Season 1 Episode 81

Welcome back snitches! Mere and Steph are back this week with another episode called “ “. It’s Halloween week and Mere and Steph share what they are doing this Halloween and some of their most iconic costumes from the college days. Then we get into Bachelor in Paradise, Casa Amor part 2. The girls are coming back to the beach and ohh is there drama. We quickly touch on all the drama and all the couples. Then for Gossip of the Week do we have a line up. First up we touch on James Corden and the scandal with the way he acts to wait staff. Next up, Taylor Swift launched her new album Midnights and wow is everyone obsessed. We finish up GOW with the rumors between Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner, let’s get into it. 

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